Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dear Friend,
What's on your mind. You don't laugh the way you used to, but I've noticed how you cry. Dear friend, I feel so helpless. I see you sit in silence and you face new pain each day. I wish there was something I could do. I know you don't feel like pretty, even though you are. But it wasn't your beauty that found room in my heart. Dear friend, you are so precious. Dear friend, I'm here for you, I know that you don't talk too much. But we can share this day anew. Dear friend, please don't feel like you're alone. There is someone who is praying for you. Praying for your peace of mind. Hoping those missing words and confidence are what you find. Dear Friend, you are so precious. Dear friend, I'm praying for you...


Lecia said...

This is obviously a very personal post, but I want you to know that it helped me too, as I'm thinking today of someone who is hurting.

finding_my_voice said...

such a beautiful post

cynthiaG said...

I LOVED that blog & enjoyed the writing thoroughly. Some people REALLY have such a way with words & give out such great vibes.

Unknown said...

Hats off to you for this awesome post !!!

Devilsky21 said...

I love this post, it helped me in my time of need

joy said...

very touching