Sunday, July 19, 2009

It was just one of those weeks.

Maybe. Arizona Green Tea. Driving with the windows down. Sweet-cheeks.
Awkward situations. Empty Conversations. Smiles. Iced Coffee. Secret Notes.
Lip Gloss. Freshman Year Mistakes. (or memories). Drive-way "breakups". Weekend.
Wrong turns. Getaway. Late Nights. Early Mornings. Peace Out. Change.
Walks and Talks. Favorites. Distraction. K Clarkson. Kickboxing.
Phone Date. Nicknames. Art Fair. Road trip. He's Just Not That Into You.
Accidental Date (x2). Hello-Goodbye. Shopping. Texting. "NO"
SOS. #9. Flashback(s). Photo Shoot. Excitement. Intrigued. Homework.
Raindrops. Tan lines. Nerves. Playlists. Missed Calls. Red Light-Green Light.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The downside of doing your best thinking, processing, and de-stressing when you run is when that is taken away from you. Okay, so my ability to run hasn't been taken away from me but I have been informed and strongly encourage to hold off on my runs for the time being. You see, I've done some serious work on my knee and the muscles and tendons around it. (Don't ask me how this happened because I really don't know, but it seems to stem back to a sports injury/surgery in high school. paired with some crazy insanse workouts now days... opps) So for the time being I've got find a better way to work things out.